
I Need You So Much Closer project is being hosted by me, Dana Ollestad. I'm a graduate student in the photo/film department of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA, and am interested in relational arts.

Nicolas Bourriaud, author of Relational Aesthetics, describes relational art as “an art taking as its theoretical horizon the realm of human interactions and its social contexts, rather than the assertion of an independent and private symbolic space.”

You can see more of my work here, or sign up to spend a night together with me over video chat here.

Please email all submissions, questions, input to:
INeedYouSoMuchCloserProject (at) gmail.com

If you want to translate the project description to a different language, that would be awesome! Contact me by the above address.

The name of this project “I Need You So Much Closer” was found in the lyrics of the title track for the Death Cab for Cutie album “Transatlanticism” (2003). You can listen to the song here.